Lego League

Latest News (9-24-18)

Major Sponsors :

Major Sponsors : K-Line, Holland Vision Systems, Meijers, Innotec, Gentex, Moyu and National Bulk Equipment.

Active FLL teams in Holland, MI for 2018 season: Black River 2 teams, Waukazoo, Lakewood, Innocademy 7 teams.

News 5/23/18 :

3rd Coast Cubing Club was at Kinderplaats. We had 530 visitors and handed out 80 free cubes.

New website for 3rd Coast Cubing Club here:

Newspaper articles about 3rd Coast Cubing Club:


Cubing Lessons at Library this summer:

Want to get Involved? Please fill out the form below and we will match you up with a team if there are open spots available:

Link : FIRST Lego League Signup - Zeeland and Holland

The Lakeshore Makers and local area elementary schools are pleased to present the following

opportunity to Holland/Zeeland area families/students next year.

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Junior First Lego League – JrFLL - (6 students per team):

JrFLL uses Lego kits to allow children to solve a real world problem, and present their research to an audience using a "show me" poster.

JrFLL is for students entering K-3rd grade next year.

If you have a child that is interested in the program please fill in form below for your school.

Please also indicate if you are willing to help coach the team.

Students of parents that coach will be guaranteed a spot on the team.

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FIRST Lego League – FLL - (10 students per team):

FIRST Lego League is a great opportunity for students to learn life skills such as teamwork, logic, leadership all while having a lot of fun.

Students in teams of 10, are given six weeks to solve a real world problem and present the solution to judges at the competition.

Students also work to develop a robot that autonomously solves challenges on a game board.

FLL is for students entering 4th and 5th grade next year.

Please also indicate if you are willing to help coach the team.

Students of parents who coach will be guaranteed a spot on the team.

Teams that are a part of the 3rd Coast STEM Club network:

Looking for more information? Contact us!